# Creating a new JSON database or initialize an exisiting JSON file

# Create a new database

Make sure you have Jsoning installed and Node.js version greater than v12.


Install Jsoning with NPM:

npm i jsoning

Install Jsoning with Yarn:

yarn add jsoning


To find your Node version, run node -v in the terminal.

Create a new database by creating a new instance of the Jsoning class:

const Jsoning = require("jsoning");
var database = new Jsoning("json/file/name.json");


Make sure the name of the database file ends with the extension .json or Jsoning will throw an error.

# Initialize an existing JSON file

To initialize an existing JSON file as your database,

const Jsoning = require("jsoning");
var database = new Jsoning("existing/file/name.json");

This is exactly the same as creating to a new JSON database file. If the JSON file doesn't exist, Jsoning creates that file.